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Volunteer Sign Up


Thank you so much for signing up to volunteer for Douglas County PrideFest!


Please read and agree to the waiver, then choose the times and options that work for you. Please note that all volunteers will be required to attend a volunteer training session. Please plan to receive an email from us around July 10 with more information, reminders, etc. In the meantime, please mark your calendar for both August 4, 2024 and the volunteer training session you select below to reserve your availability to volunteer.

You might be asked to help with:

  • Kids’ Area

  • Merchandise or Food & Beverage sales

  • General monitoring (“See something, say something”, no confrontation involved)

  • Monitoring the main stage 

Feel free to email if you have any questions.


NOTE: We ask for demographic information at the end of this sign up. These fields are optional. We ask for this information because it is helpful for us when applying for grants. Many grant applications require that we disclose the demographics of our volunteer base. We will NEVER share any information that can be personally connected to you. Only aggregate demographic data - or data about the community as a large group of people, rather than specific individuals - will be compiled and shared outside of Douglas County Pride. Your privacy is important to us. 


In return for being allowed to participate in Douglas County Pride volunteer activities and all related activities, including any activities incidental to such participation (“Volunteer Activities”), the undersigned Volunteer or Parent/Legal Guardian of Volunteer if Volunteer is under age 18 (hereafter referred to using “I”, “me”, or “my”) releases and agrees not to sue the Douglas County Pride organization or its officers, sub-contractors, sponsors, agents and affiliates (“the Organization”) from all present and future claims that may be made by me, my family, estate, heirs, or assigns for property damage, personal injury, or wrongful death arising as a result of my participation in the Volunteer Activities wherever, whenever, or however the same may occur.


I understand and agree that the Organization is not responsible for any injury or property damage arising out of the Volunteer Activities, even if caused by their ordinary negligence or otherwise.


I understand that participation in the Volunteer Activities involves certain risks, including, but not limited to, serious injury and death. I am voluntarily participating in the Volunteer Activities with knowledge of the danger involved and I agree to accept all risks of participation.


I also agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Organization for all claims arising out of my participation in the Volunteer Activities.


I understand that this document is intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by the laws of the state in which the Organization Activities take place and agree that if any portion of this Agreement is invalid, the remainder will continue in full legal force and effect.


I also acknowledge that the Organization has not arranged and does not carry any insurance of any kind for my benefit or that of Volunteer, my parents/guardians (if Volunteer is under 18), trustees, heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assignees. I represent that, to my knowledge, I am in good health and suffer no physical impairment that would or should prevent my participation in Volunteer Activities.


In return for being allowed to participate in Douglas County Pride Volunteer Activities, I hereby grant to the Organization,  the absolute and irrevocable right and permission to use, publish, and/or broadcast the Volunteer’s photograph and/or likeness in its current form or as retouched, digitized, cropped, altered, distorted or modified in any way, in any and all advertising, promotional, or other materials based upon or derived from the Volunteer Activities in any manner, in any media whatsoever for any and all purposes, including by way of example but without limitation advertising, promoting or publicizing products and services throughout the universe, in perpetuity, in any and all media now known or hereafter devised (including without limitation on the Internet), without additional compensation. I further agree that anything derived therefrom will be owned solely by the Organization. I shall not authorize the use of any print, negative or other copy thereof by anyone other than the Authorized Parties.


I also understand that this document is a contract which grants certain rights to and eliminates the liability of the Organization.

Volunteer Age
Time Slots (choose all you would like to volunteer for)
Options (choose all that apply):
Volunteer Training Preferred
Which of the following best describes you? (select all that apply)
Which of the following best describes your gender? (select all that apply)
Which of the following best describes your sexual orientation? (select all that apply)

Thanks signing up! You'll hear from us soon!

The volunteer sign up has closed. Please consider volunteering in 2025!

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